June 10, 2015

June 10, 2015

                                 GREATER LAPEER TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY

                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING

June 10, 2015


Chairman John Kosiara called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. Chairman John Kosiara led the pledge  of allegiance.


Present:  John Kosiara-Elba Township, Dan Engelman-Mayfield Township, Larry Van Horn-Oregon Township, John Lyons-City of Lapeer, Harry Green-City of Lapeer, Dawn Walker-Lapeer Township, Ray Hayes- Deerfield Township


Excused:  David VanWagnen-City of Lapeer


Also Present:  Kelly Bales-Executive Director, Brad Fry-Maintenance Director and Traci Pewinski-     Finance & Operations Manager



Chairman John Kosiara added action item h. pay raise committee and discussion item f.  vacation       time for Finance and Operations Manager to the agenda.


There were no public comments


There were no correspondence.


Maintenance Director Fry indicated  bus was back from the body shop with the bill being on the billing list.  Also one of the buses has been at the Ford dealer for 3 weeks.  Summer break is upon us and some of the things will be taken care of that you can’t take care of when we are real busy.  Everything else is running smooth.



Approval of the Agenda

Motion by Lyons seconded by Engelman to approve the agenda with additions.  Unanimously carried

Meeting Minutes – May 2015Unanimously carried.

Motion by Walker seconded by Engelman to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2015 as amended.

Bill List – May 2015Short discussion took place on checks written to Silver Screen Printing and VOYA.

Motion by Walker seconded by Lyons to approve bill listing as presented.

Checks # 30215-#30336 totaling $158,884.43

ROLL CALL VOTE –   Unanimously carried


None at this time

Amendment to Master Agreement

Motion by Engelman seconded by Walker to approve as presented Amendment #1 under master agreement number 2012-0089.

ROLL CALL VOTE – Unanimously carried

Lead Dispatcher

Executive Director Kelly Bales would like to table this for a month

Freedom of Information Act Policy

Motion by Engelman supported by Hayes to approve as presented the Resolution to adopt Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) coordinator, procedures and guidelines, written summary and associated forms. Executive Director Kelly Bales will put this on the website.   Unanimously carried.

Pay raise committee

Chairman Kosiara discussed forming a committee to work on pay raises and bring recommendations back to the board. Members of the board appointed to the committee were Ray Hayes, Dawn Walker and John Kosiara. The committee will meet in August , time and place to be discussed at the July Board meeting.









Income and Expense Statement – May 2015

The Income and Expense Statement was reviewed there were no questions at this time.

Balance Sheet – May 2015

The Balance Sheet was reviewed there were no questions at this time.

State/Federal Issues – None at this time

Open Contracts

FY11 Section 5311/CMAQ/STP/P8-Comm. Equipment – No change at this time.

FY14 Section 5311/CMAQ/P11-Bus Replacement

New bus should be here by end of month or first part of July.

Executive Director’s Report

Executive director Kelly Bales, informed the board that an Elba resident has listed GLTA in his will. Bales noted that during summer the buses will be steamed cleaned on the inside to make the buses as clean on the inside as the outside. Part time drivers will help clean buses, seats will be the main focus first.   Seat covers that we will be able to take off and clean have been ordered for two of the buses. Executive director Kelly Bales mentioned she will be putting boundaries on vacation requests to have more control over vacations of employees.

Vacation for Finance & Operations Manager

Chairman Kosiara informed the board the handbook states one year before vacation time accrues. Chairman Kosiara asks if the board has a problem with giving a week vacation before one year. Discussion took place. Motion by Engelman supported by Walker to allow Finance & Operations Manager forty (40) hours paid leave during the period May 2015-May 2016. Motion carried.


Ridership Report – May 2015

Ridership is down slightly. Hopefully with cleaning up buses things will turn around. There was a discussion regarding buses in parades ie: 4th of July parade, Lapeer Days, Hadley parades, to give more exposure to GLTA.

Next meeting will be held on July 8, 2015 at 4:00 pm


Motion by Engelman, seconded by Walker to adjourn the meeting at 4:43 pm.  Unanimously carried.





_________________________________             _________________________________

Traci Pewinski   Recording Secretary                                    Dawn M.  Walker Secretary