January 14, 2015

January 14, 2015

Greater Lapeer Transportation Authority

Board of Directors Meeting

January 14, 2015

Board Members:         John Kosiara – Chairman, Elba Township

Harry Green, City of Lapeer – excused

Dawn Walker – Secretary, Lapeer Township

Dan Engleman, Mayfield Township

Larry Van Horn, Oregon Township

Ray Hayes, Deerfield Township – excused

John Lyons, City of Lapeer

Dave Van Wagnen, City of Lapeer

Others:                          Carol Wegher, Executive Director

Brad Fry, Maintenance Director

Beverly Dupuis, Finance Director – excused

Preceding the regular scheduled meeting at 3:30 p.m. the 2014 (FYE September 30, 2014) audit presentation was given by Aaron M. Stevens, CPA of Abraham & Gaffney, P.C.

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairman J. Kosiara at the office of the Greater Lapeer Transportation Authority at 230 Monroe Street, Lapeer, MI.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

A roll call was taken with a quorum present; excused were board members: H. Green and R. Hayes.


No one addressed the board during public time.

Report given by C. Wegher on injured driver.

Report given by B. Fry on maintenance and bus issues.

  1. Kosiara stated that B. Fry was free to leave the meeting if he wished.



No changes were made to the agenda.

Motion by J. Lyons, seconded by L. Van Horn to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion Carried.

Motion by J. Lyons, seconded by L. Van Horn to approve the January 14, 2015 minutes as presented.  Motion Carried.

Motion by L. Van Horn, seconded by D. Engleman to approve the payment of the bills.  A roll call vote was taken.  Yes: L. Van Horn, D. Engleman, J. Lyons, D. Van Wagnen, D. Walker, J. Kosiara.  Motion Carried.

 Discussion in regards to the Executive Director employment position transpired.  Date to conduct interviews is January 19.  C. Wegher will set up interviews with candidates; J. Kosiara, D. Walker, J. Lyons, D. Van Wagnen and C. Wegher will conduct interviews on behalf of the Board of Directors.

Contracts:  None.

Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Application:

The Greater Lapeer Transportation Authority, Nonurban City, Regular Service, Annual Budget Application to Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) was presented by C. Wegher.

Motion by D. Engleman, seconded by D. Van Wagnen to approve as presented.  Motion Carried.

 Fiscal Year End September 30, 2014 Audit Report:

Motion by J. Lyons, seconded by D. Engleman to approve the Fiscal Year End September 30, 2014 Audit Report as presented by Abraham & Gaffney, P. C.  Motion Carried.

Ad Hoc Wage Committee:

The Executive Director, C. Wegher made a recommendation based upon prior discussion to form a committee to recommend wage and salaries to the board for approval. This would be done for a two to three year period. It was decided to wait until new employees are in place for the Executive Director and Financial Director positions.

Discussion also transpired in regards to health care benefits and that the current benefits do not run on a calendar year, sometimes causing greater out of pocket expenses for employees. It was suggested that GLTA Administration look into extending the current health care benefit contract through December utilizing an eighteen month contract to accomplish this.

Reports:  The Balance Sheet, Year to Date Income & Expense and ridership reports were reviewed and placed on file.

The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 5:03 p.m.

 The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015.

_________________________                                  ______________________________

John Kosiara                                                                           Dawn M. Walker, CMC

GLTA Chairman                                                                    GLTA Secretary